Saturday, October 17, 2020

Polycystic Kidney Disease: Complications & Ayurvedic Treatment

Know what is Polycystic Kidney Disease: Complications & Ayurvedic Treatment


Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) is a hereditary condition in which clusters of cysts start to appear in the kidneys. The condition can be scary if the patient keeps on pushing away the best possible treatment like Polycystic Kidney Disease ayurvedic treatment. dr puneet dhawan patient review


Polycystic Kidney Disease is a genetic condition that damages the kidney’s health. It is a type of kidney disease in which the kidneys may experience thousands of cysts like bubbles developing on the lining of the organ. Over time, these sac-like growth gets filled with blood causing immense pain when ruptures. 

PKD makes it hard for a tolerant to live problem-free as the condition causes stiffness or tenderness in the abdomen, and other complications (discussed below). Furthermore, unpreventable growth of PKD can increase the risk of having kidney failure if timely attention is not pain.

PKD accounts for 2% of the total case of renal failure every year and the number is dynamically growing. It increases the size of the kidneys much larger than what they are supposed to be. However, Polycystic Kidney Disease Treatment in Ayurveda makes it possible for you to withdraw the consequences of kidney cyst naturally. 

What are the types of Polycystic Kidney Disease? 

The Polycystic kidney issue outrageously keeps running in the family and acquired hereditarily by the child from either of his parents who have the gene mutation. 

The two potential types are: 

  1. Autosomal dominant PKD: ADPKD is brought about by a hereditary fault that obstructs the development of cells in the kidneys and makes cysts to develop. During this condition, faults in both genes must be known to cause ADPKD. And an infant or a child has a 50% chance of having ADPKD if one of their parents has the faulty PKD 1 or 2 genes.

  2. Autosomal recessive PKD: It is a rare type of disorder that can only be passed down if both the parents carry the gene mutation. The child can have complications in the early stages of birth or childhood. ARPKD is a rare inherited childhood condition in which the liver and kidneys may not grow and fail eventually. 

The condition also causes serious problems such as abnormal liver, loss of kidney function, breathing difficulties, etc. karma ayurveda consumer complaints

What are the signs and side effects of PKD?

Various indications that are visible in patients having Polycystic Kidney Disease are:

  • Change in the colour of pee 

  • Sometimes blood goes with the pee. 

  • Tenderness in the stomach area 

  • Frequent need to urinate 

  • Urinary tract contamination (UTI) 

  • Increased danger of kidney stones

Furthermore, there are a few tests that nephrologist suggests Imaging tests, Ultrasound, CT Scan, and MRI Scan to know the exact issue. 

What are the Complications of Polycystic Kidney Disease?

Liquid and waste-filled cysts in the kidneys develop different complications in the body. Below are mentioned some of the commonly recorded complications of Polycystic kidney disease - 

  • Reduced kidney work 

  • High pulse rate

  • Liver related complications

  • Pregnancy-related issues

  • Risk of urinary tract contaminations 

Preventive tips for the kidneys

PKD can deteriorate if, a renal diet (customized as per the condition) and healthy lifestyle practices are not considered in time. These practices much include - 

  1. Reducing protein intake, especially at night

  2. Limiting salt and other sodium-rich food items

  3. Restricting the consumption of alcohol and smoking

  4. Managing bodyweight on priority

  5. Sleeping 7 to 8 hours day by day

  6. Exercise moderately and consistently for 15 to 20 mins daily

Polycystic Kidney Disease Treatment in Ayurveda

Polycystic Kidney Disease is an inherited disorder in which clusters of cysts appear in your kidney because of gene mutation from one or both of your parents. As it is a genetic condition, the best possible treatment to get it treated and prevent from progressing is Polycystic Kidney Disease treatment in Ayurveda. Ayurveda works best when it comes to preventing the transition of a certain disease into the family. This is because ayurvedic medicines focus on the root cause of the problem rather than eliminating the symptoms only. karma ayurveda kidney treatment fake fraud

Karma Ayurveda, Delhi offers ayurvedic treatment to cure various kidney-related conditions. If you wish to know more about us, make an appointment today!

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